The Most Gorgeous
Wedding Engagement
Jeff and I first met on a work project. It was the end of a long nightshift and I was at the top of a set of ladders sweating buckets and battling to hang some graphic when he arrived for the day shift. At the time I had no idea my future husband had just walked in, but looking back I was very aware of how rough I looked! We met in group settings and made polite conversation and then the project was finished and Jeff returned to Scotland where he is from.

It wasn’t until months later while I was in Scotland that our paths crossed again. We went out for casual drinks which led to proper dates and by the end of the two weeks I knew he was special. We decided to try and make it work, flying backwards and forwards to see each other. And then comes the point when I think we must have lost our minds. I can imagine a friend telling me they were moving in with someone after three months, an intervention would be in their immediate future, but that’s exactly what we did. Jeff transferred his job to Northern Ireland, I found us a flat and we moved in together.

Fast forward two years of living with my best friend and in he walks holding a ring while I’m mashing the spuds, not what you imagine you’ll be doing when someone pops the question but it was absolutely perfect. Covid permitting we will tie the knot this September.

check out our hero’s article Covid Heros